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[美丽谎言 The Good Lie][2014][2.1G]

[美丽谎言 The Good Lie][2014][2.1G]

美丽谎言 The Good Lie (2014)

导演: 菲利普·法拉多
编剧: 玛格丽特·奈格尔
主演: 瑞茜·威瑟斯彭 / 阿诺德·奥康 / Ger Duany / Emmanuel Jal / 寇瑞·斯托尔 / 更多...
类型: 剧情
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2014-10-03(美国)
片长: 110分钟
又名: 善意的谎言 / 扭转命运的乐章(台)
IMDb链接: tt2652092

[美丽谎言 The Good Lie][2014][2.1G]

Four Sudanese children are orphaned after their village is massacred in the Second Sudanese Civil War. Consequently, they make an arduous and dangerous trek through the plains, enduring hardship, death and sacrifice all the way until they reach safety in a refugee camp in Kenya. Years later, these youths are among 3600 selected for resettlement in America, only to have the one girl among them sent to Boston, while the three boys must to make a new life in Kansas City. Together, these young men must adjust to an alien culture even as the emotional baggage of their past haunts them. However, these newcomers, and their new friends like employment counselor Carrie Davis, strive to understand each other in this new home, as they make peace with their histories in a challenge that will change all their lives.

[美丽谎言 The Good Lie][2014][2.1G]

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